What I saw:
I saw little green bead looking things, these where Chlorella they were the one of the only types of algae I saw and the most common I saw.
(Picture Source: http://www.ifood.tv/blog/repair-your-damaged-dna-with-these-foods)
In one of the Chlorella colonies I thought I saw Ulothrix, because the algae seem to have a long stem like feature which looks just like Ulothrix.
(Picture Source: http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/PDB/images/Chlorophyta/Ulothrix/sp_1e.html)
I didn't see the next two type of algae while looking in the Microscope but I do think they probably are somewhere in my Green Algae Mixture anyway.
They are called..... Volvox
(Picture Source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mikrofoto.de-volvox-8.jpg)
(Picture Source: http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/pdb/images/chlorophyta/scenedesmus/quadricauda/index.html)