Monday, September 30, 2013

Observation for 9/30/13

The Green Algae mixture has been growing at a noticeably faster rate then Ankistrodesmus. The water of the Green Algae Mixture turned slightly green and had a lot of growth around the bubbler. Ankistrodesmus did not turn green but stayed the same color blue as the Miracle-Gro solution. The
Ankistrodesmus may not have turned green, but it did have a lot of growth around the bubbler much like the Green Algae Mixture. 


Both Algae cultures stayed at roughly 20-21ÂșC throughout the beginnings of the experiment.
I believe I will need a grow mat to help improve the Ankistrodesmus's growing rate by slightly warming the PBR.

Setting up PBRs to grow my algae culutres for my experiment

Friday 9/27/13

I added 2000 mL of solution to each PBR.

I added 10 mL of  Ankistrodesmus to the PBR with the orange cap.

I added 10 mL of Green Algae Mixture to the PBR with the white cap.

My Laboratory

My Laboratory

My Laboratory aka (Diagon Algae) contains many components such as:
  • A photobioreactor (PBR) and thermometer,

  • My algae specimen,


  • An awesome Kapu sign (from Lilo and Stitch) means off-limits.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Meet My Algae

I have two possible candidates for my experiment:

Meet Ms. Ankistrodesmus

Meet the Greens (a.k.a Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Ulothrix, and Volvox)

Getting Started

The Sun

  • To mimic the sun I will use a overhead, 48 inch grow light.
 Waste Water
  •  To simulate waste water I used a solution of approx. 0.06% Miracle-Gro fertilizer to 99.94% distilled water.

 What's in Miracle-Gro (24-8-16)
  • 24% Nitrogen
  • 8% Phosphate
  • 16% Soluble
  • Other Micro-nutrients
    • Boron
    • Copper
    • Iron
    • Manganese
    •  Molybdenum
    • Zinc.


 To make the solution:
  1. I took roughly a gallon (3785 mL) of distilled water .
  2. Then I added about half a teaspoon (2.5mL) of Miracle-Gro to the distilled water.
  3. Finally, I set the mixture aside for my expierement 

Carbon Dioxide
  • I used an air pump to circulate air through the PBR.  This will help remove built-up oxygen from the system and add carbon dioxide from the surrounding environment.
  • This is my variable and will be coming soon.  

The Challenge I Chose for my Experiment

Land Ahoy!

In the TED Talks, Mr. Trent talked about growing algae taking up a lot of land and the design of the photobioreactors (PBR).  I want to create a more efficient PBR that will create more algae with less space.

Example of the Floating PBR Pods in the San Francisco Bay

The PBR system pictured above would theoretically produce 2 million gallons of bio-fuel per year, which is 20% of the diesel used in San Francisco.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Notes from Jonathan Trent's TED Talk

Why is algae important?

  • We need multiple sources of energy; especially, renewable sources.
  • Algae can be used to make:
    • Fuel;
    • Fertilizer;
    • Cosmetics;
    • Food; and
    • Animal Feed.
  • Algae produces more per acre than other bio-fuel sources.

What makes algae happy?

  • Sun
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Water
  • Nutrients

What challenges of producing algae for bio-fuel?

The main challenge is competing with fossil fuel without competing with agriculture.

Specifically, challenges include:
  • Water Source
  • Fertilizer
  • Land
  • Energy Yield

Jonathan Trent: Energy from floating algae pods