Saturday, September 28, 2013

Getting Started

The Sun

  • To mimic the sun I will use a overhead, 48 inch grow light.
 Waste Water
  •  To simulate waste water I used a solution of approx. 0.06% Miracle-Gro fertilizer to 99.94% distilled water.

 What's in Miracle-Gro (24-8-16)
  • 24% Nitrogen
  • 8% Phosphate
  • 16% Soluble
  • Other Micro-nutrients
    • Boron
    • Copper
    • Iron
    • Manganese
    •  Molybdenum
    • Zinc.


 To make the solution:
  1. I took roughly a gallon (3785 mL) of distilled water .
  2. Then I added about half a teaspoon (2.5mL) of Miracle-Gro to the distilled water.
  3. Finally, I set the mixture aside for my expierement 

Carbon Dioxide
  • I used an air pump to circulate air through the PBR.  This will help remove built-up oxygen from the system and add carbon dioxide from the surrounding environment.
  • This is my variable and will be coming soon.  

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