Sunday, December 22, 2013

Public Laboratory: Build a $10 USB visible-light spectrometer

Make your own CD spectrometer

Spectroscope and Light meter

The spectroscope measures wavelength that a light may be producing. The reason I need this for my experiment  is so I can measure the visible wavelength going through my PBRs.
Light Meter
The light meter measures the intensity of light. I need this so I can make sure that all my PBRs have the same intensity of light no matter the wavelength.

Interpretation of Data

 I suspect the reason orange and green had the best results because red and blue may have lessened intensity. For example, the blue filter I used may of obstructed the intensity of the blue light passing through whereas the green filter would of allowed blue and yellow light to pass through at a greater intensity.
 There could of been error in my sample, as well. There is a possibility that my samples did not represent the actual algae density of the PBR as a whole.